Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Leather logo "practice of environmental protection to create a green eco-industrial chain

Su Chaoying, chairman of the China Leather Association, recently held the leather industry economic operation & 2012 Chinese leather Replica Burberry Handbags flag row of the first brand conference in manufacturing "External and internal whirlpool leather industry in recent years committed to the transformation and upgrading of breakthrough in the development dilemma showing the transformation and upgrading the speed of the trend, especially in leather logo on behalf of brands, sensitive to capture the market demand, to fight in the "l" in the "turn" to work on strength, seize the initiative, the sound development of the industry establish a typical.

       Focus on quality competition hard work

       China Leather Association, baked the first time in this meeting, "China's leather logo Pai Tau Brand Development Report analysis shows that in recent years, the leather logo Pai Tau brands effective tax index growth accelerated markedly, significantly improved profitability, companies have been to expand, has significantly improved in terms of quality management, research and development, environmental protection. The average patent ownership of 96 rows of the first companies to research and innovation, for example, 49% leather logo / bags / shoes industry Pai Tau brands patented (only inventions and utility models, excluding the appearance of patent), 4.5; 28.1 % leather logo / bags / shoes industry row of the first brands to participate in the relevant industry or national standards setting; 15.6% of the leather logo / Replica Bags / shoes industry Pai Tau brands built above the provincial level R & D center, at the same time, they also actively change the mode of foreign trade development, "going out" to open stores and chain stores, and strive to achieve by "manufacturing" to "Chi-made" change.

     According to Su Chaoying introduced leather logo China Leather Association, the spirit of the bigger and stronger China leather industry to allow consumers to put genuine leather products, enrich and decorate people's living this goal, the Administration in the State Administration for Industry in 1994 registered the first case of a certification mark, it is natural, environmentally friendly and high quality products synonymous with. 18 years, the China Leather Association in terms of product quality, environmental protection, fashion and brand influence undergo a rigorous evaluation and supervision, so that team logo leather formed the lineup of 457 leather products enterprises and 48 eco-leather business. To promote the internationalization process of the leather logo brand, in 2007, the China Leather Association enabled leather logo English signs, while expanding the publicity and promotion efforts of the leather logo on the international market. Up to now, the leather logo in 18 countries and regions in the international registration, a powerful boost to the popularity and competitiveness of the leather Louis Vuitton Handbags 2012 products on the international market.

       Practice of environmental protection to create a green eco-industrial chain

       At the Congress, won the 2012 Chinese leather logo of the brand name of Pai Tau 100 companies also jointly issued to the community initiative, called on the industry response to consumer demand for green products and practice of environmental protection, use of eco-leather, to create green ecological industry chain.

       To the community, these companies do a solemn promise: give priority to buy the finished products to eco-leather eligibility to use fur, leather or finished products to promote the production, consumption and the environment and common development; leather products continue to expand the market as their responsibility to consumers to actively promote the concept of eco-leather ; initiatives in support of the "eco-leather upgrade, maintain close communication with the" eco-leather enterprises, feedback market information, product development and technological progress to promote eco-leather enterprises.

       2012 Chinese leather logo Pai Tau brand of 36 leather logo brand shoes, 19 leather logo leather clothing brand, 11 logo leather fur clothing brand, 21 bags brands and 9 shoes brand. Among them, the children's shoes for the first time included in the brand selection range, expanding the brand team. Belle O'Connor, CT, Italy Kang, Chuang Tzu, Julius Caesar, should be large, blue beam, Paul Rand, Apple, cowboy, go-karts and other well-known brands Replica Gucci Handbags 2012 of the industry familiar with the list.

       According to reports, the eco-leather to the China Leather Association, launched in 2003 on the basis of the leather logo applies to the eco-finished leather and ecological certification mark of the finished fur of finished leather and finished fur clean of the production process and product performance ecological specific requests, the recognition of the strong support of the relevant state departments and many other international organizations.

       The entire industry to build a green eco-industrial chain upstream and downstream enterprises to work together. "Said Su Chaoying. He believes that advocate the priority to buy eco-leather eligibility to use the finished leather leather logo is just a start, the leather industry to achieve sustainable development, is bound to the general direction toward the green ecological adjustment from the inside out upgrades.

       The relevant data show that 45 made of Genuine Leather Mark Leather qualified enterprises production, accounting for the National Leather output of 1/8, these products have been widely used in Dolce & Gabbana Replica Handbags logo enterprise products. With the increasingly strong consumer demand for green low-carbon products, this share is increasing trend year by year.

       Brand enterprise's extended an olive branch to the eco-leather, ulterior motives, but rather with the playing of the eco-brand, to compete for greater market share. Of course, the green upgrade of the whole industry chain, and ultimately benefit consumers.